Charming Roller Blinds by Curtain Trend Gold Coast and Brisbane - home New
Contemporary Shutter Blinds by Curtain Trend Gold Coast and Brisbane - home New
Beautiful Roller Blinds by Curtain Trend Gold Coast and Brisbane - home New
Custom Made Curtains by Curtain Trend Gold Coast and Brisbane - home New
Ecowood Venetians by Curtain Trend Gold Coast and Brisbane - home New
Sophisticated Vertical Blinds by Curtain Trend Gold Coast and Brisbane - home New
Stylish Panel Blinds by Curtain Trend Gold Coast and Brisbane - home New
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Vision Brochure - home New


Vision Blinds Now Available at Curtain Trend

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Liven up your windows with Curtain Trend now being a stockist for the innovative product – Vision Blinds! These stylish and modern electric blinds feature the combination of two layers of translucent and opaque fabric that are horizontally striped, which allows you to control the amount of light while maintaining the view.


Looking to soften the look of existing blinds? Then consider sheer custom made curtains. Very fashionable and also an extremely affordable window covering option.
We have a broad range of custom made curtains available for you to consider. They come in a broad range of style and fabrics.
Our custom blinds are made from our factory on the Gold Coast so you can guarantee they are Australian made with fabrics sourced from Australia and New Zealand.
Our Awesome Rollease Automate motorisation systems from
Acmeda Australia automate roller blindscurtain tracks & awnings. Use your remote control, cbus system, alexa, siri, google home & smart phone.
Shutter blinds are the perfect blend of privacy and sophistication. Available in a range of colours, they are a versatile option for commercial or residential properties.
Our ecowood venetian blind collection is made using a polystyrene based product, guaranteed not to warp, split or fade – enjoy the rustic beauty of timber.
The perfect solution for covering sliding doors, panel blinds create a beautiful statement in any commercial or residential location and are available in a range of fabrics.
Roman blinds provide a sophisticated and stylish window treatment for any commercial, residential or office space. They range from semi-transparent through to complete blockout.
We have automatic awnings, folding arm awnings, drop down tension awnings and zipscreen awnings all of which can be motorised with wind sensors and remote controlled.
All our products are of the highest quality, but from time to time we like to offer you a bargain. Be sure to check out our specials page to pick up a great deal.
Vertical blinds have become a popular choice of window coverings especially for large windows or doors. They perfectly add the effect of height to any room.

Looking for an innovative window treatment for your home or office? Check out one of our latest products-Vision Blinds. They are the ideal balance between complete privacy and allowing varying degrees of light in.

Custom Made Curtains & Window Blinds

We are committed to providing personalised customer service to residents and businesses in South East Queensland and Northern New South Wales.

Curtain Trend is your South East Queensland and Northern New South Wales window covering specialist. We have been providing internal window treatments for over 25 years. We strive to promote and sell Australian made products – in-house at our factory and showroom located on the Gold Coast.

We provide you the personalised customer service you deserve. We love to help the general public, investors, commercial contracts, high-rise, management rights find the perfect window covering for their specific need.

If you’re looking for one-of-a-kind window blinds, or custom curtain accessories in Gold Coast look no further than Curtain Trend, we provide custom made blinds and curtains Gold Coast for those who would love something special in their property, whether that be a permanent fixture or something temporary.

Visit our Curtain Shop today with your needs and we’ll provide you with an obligation-free quote